

Fit For The Future consultation

As the Fit For The Future consultation process nears a conclusion, the Board have decided to proceed with a Special Resolution that has been submitted for consideration at the next AGM on 16 October 2024.

Ask Away - Q&A sessions

We recently hosted special Q&A events for u3a members to learn more about the Board's special resolution and the Fit for the Future strategic plan.

With former Trustee Neil Stevenson hosting and Vice Chair Allan Walmsley answering questions, these sessions provided valuable insights into the resolution and its impact on your u3a.

You can watch the last session below.

Or click the button below to watch all the Ask Away sessions.

Fit for the Future videos

Key questions about the Fit for the Future Special Resolution are answered by Allan Walmsley, Vice Chair and by Liz Thackray, Chair of the Third Age Trust in this series of videos.

A number of statements and documents have been drafted by the Board that provide clarification and explanations to comments received during the consultation period. These extra documents fall into 3 main categories:

New documents

Council Standing Orders Draft
Following a review of recent comments from u3as, from individual members, and from the Chairs Forum, a number of amendments have been made to the draft Council Standing Orders that were issued to u3as with the Special Resolution on 15 August 2024. The latest version (19.9.24) is available below for download. The Special Resolution is unchanged by these amendments as the draft Standing Orders only form part of the support documents. At the AGM on 16 October 2024, reference will be made to this amended version.

For clarity, the amendments include:

  • changes in a number of areas where the Board's ability to make decisions will follow consultation with the proposed u3a Council.
  • changes to enable the Council to propose a single nominee as council chair, prior to appointment by the Board
  • changes to define Council Members as Council Representatives, to reinforce their representational role.
  • grammatical changes that make the document easier to read and understand.

Council Standing Orders Draft (159.06 KB)


Fit for the Future Commitment
The Board has also been aware of disquiet expressed by certain u3as about the status and potential for the draft Standing Orders to be amended once the special resolution has been passed at the AGM. As a result, the Board has issued the following statement that provides an assurance that no changes will be made within at least 18 months from this year's AGM, that the u3a Council will be consulted on any subsequent changes, and that a review of the arrangements will be conducted in 3 years in full consultation with the movement.

FFTF Commitment September 2024 (24.66 KB)


Council Chair and Representatives
The following two new documents set out the draft role descriptions of the u3a Council Chair and Council representatives. These documents were received at the Pilot Council meeting on 17 September 2024, and will be further reviewed if the FFTF resolution is approved at the AGM on 16 October.

Council Chair Draft Role Description (108.43 KB)

Council Representative Draft Role Description (127.47 KB)


Strategy Groups Draft Terms of Reference
Also received at the Pilot Council on 17 September 2024 were the draft terms of reference for the Strategy Groups that are currently being formed and will report to the u3a Council if the FFTF resolution is approved at the AGM on 16 October. Each Strategy Group comprises u3a members and staff members and is dedicated to one or more of the strategic aims of the movement. The Groups are charged with the responsibility of ensuring progress in each of those strategic aims. The following paper explains the set up of the Groups together with their terms of reference.

Strategy Groups Draft Terms of Reference (50.73 KB)

Other documents

Council Terms of Reference (160.55 KB)

Protocol Draft (106.19 KB)

Nominations Committee Terms of Reference (109.4 KB)


Explanations about the revised Articles of Association and election processes that would be required if a resolution is successful.

Click on the grey buttons below to download the files in PDF format.

Summary of Articles and SOs (69.36 KB)

Summary of Election Processes (92.94 KB)


Clarification statements on issues raised by u3as.

Click on the grey buttons below to download the files in PDF format.

Size of Council Membership (67 KB)

FFTF Council Costs (59.91 KB)

Communications Explanation Statement.pdf (92.57 KB)

Statement on u3a Benefits (63.56 KB)

FFTF Statement - Request For Delay (83.8 KB)

The Board continues to welcome comments on these documents or any aspect of the governance proposals. Comments should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Evaluation Report (May 2024)

The main message in the evaluation report is that there is significant support from u3as for the concept of governance changes, but as expected, u3as require clarification of a number of issues of detail before they are required to vote at an AGM in October.

The report is a comprehensive collection of views taken from the many presentations and presenters themselves, written comments from u3as, comments on social media, and results from the survey of u3as. The report has also been reviewed by two independent u3a members, and their comments are included as an appendix to the report.

Click on the grey button below to download the file in PDF format.

FFTF Final Evaluation Report May 2024 (216.55 KB)

Presentation on the Fit for the Future consultation by Allan Walmsley Vice Chair

Presentation from The Third Age Trust AGM 2023

Presentation from The Third Age Trust AGM 2022

Fit for the Future: Governance and Member Voice, presented by Liz Thackray, Chair of the Trust

Download the slides and a script of this presentation, in pdf format.

Fit for the Future: Governance and Member Voice (612.66 KB)

Fit for the Future Presentation Script (86.88 KB)

We hope that you will discuss these ideas within your u3a. If you have any questions you can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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