
Online Learning Events

u3a members can access a wide range of free online talks, workshops, and courses through their membership. Most sessions are led by fellow members, sharing their expertise, with additional talks from notable speakers and organizations.

All events are bookable via Eventbrite. Please ensure you can attend when booking and cancel if you’re unable to make it so others can participate. Events are exclusively for u3a members.

If you are considering offering a talk or workshop please get in touch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - we'd love to hear from you.

Our online events are hosted on Zoom. We have some 'How to Guides' for using Zoom if you are unfamiliar with the platform.

Sign up to our events mailing to get our monthly online events straight to your inbox

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Online Learning Events - Book now!

Initiatives for Care

This Future Lives panel will showcase some examples of inspirational, community level initiatives to instil hope and optimism that small things can make a big difference.

Thursday 27 February at 2pm

Free - online via Zoom

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