
u3a Week

u3a Week: 20-28 September 2025

u3a Week is an annual event to showcase the activity, learning and fun which takes place across the movement every day. It is a celebration of positive ageing, highlighting our members' lived experience.

Between 20 and 28 September 2025, u3as and networks across the UK will be hosting events to mark u3a week.

We would love to know what your u3a is planning for u3a week – email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your ideas.

u3a week

Stay up to date

If you would like to receive updates about preparations and celebrations for u3a week, you can sign up to our national online newsletter or join our Facebook community.

How u3as got involved in 2024

From Dundee to Exeter, u3a members celebrated u3a week by connecting existing members together as well as hosting external events to reach new members of their local communities. Members across the UK enjoyed afternoon teas, planted trees, played games, and connected with their communities.

Dundee u3a held an al fresco event they called 'Buns in the Botanics', a day of fun and games in their local botanical gardens. After enjoying a picnic and classics like egg and spoon races and tug o'war, Committee member Hilde reflected on the success of the day - "Once again, the sun gods favoured us and we had a lovely afternoon. Everyone had great fun."

Read more about u3a week 2024 on the u3a blog, Sources.

Future u3a Week dates

  • 19-27 September 2026

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