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Launch of u3a week online events programme

Published : 11 August 2023 Views: 4900

A man, Carl Honore, sitting in front of a bookcaseCarl Honore, photographed by Madeleine Alldis

We are excited to announce our programme of online events for u3a week, which will complement local u3a activity.

u3a week is taking place 16-24 September and is an annual celebration of the learning and fun within the u3a movement. During the week, u3as across the movement host events in their local community to raise awareness of the benefits of being a u3a member. 

Alongside this, we will also be running a programme of online events that any u3a member can attend.

We will be joined by Heléna Horklots, Older People's Commissioner for Wales, on Tuesday 19 September to discuss how she is working towards a Wales where older people are valued, rights are upheld and no-one is left behind. u3a has been part of the campaign calling for an Older People's Commissioner in both England and in Scotland - and this is an opportunity for members to hear from someone with that role and how it can bring about change.

On Wednesday 20 September, John Tucker from The Woodland Trust will lead a discussion on how u3a members can get involved in supporting wildlife and the environment. The talk follows on from the movement's achievement of planting almost 10,000 trees in our anniversary woodland last year.

Our final speaker is award-winning writer, activist around ageing and TED speaker Carl Honoré. He will be giving a talk on Thursday 21 September about how to embrace ageing as a privilege and adventure.

Find out more and book your place on these events on our u3a week page.

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