u3a has launched its latest film in the Learn Something Brilliant Today series. The film, 'Meet Stuart' showcases Dulwich u3a member Stuart at a u3a table tennis event he is taking part in.
In the film Stuart shares how joining u3a and sharing his love of table tennis with others, was really positive for him after an initially difficult start to retirement.
Stuart says "You know, it's kind of odd getting used to retirement. The first couple years I found really hard. I was so used to teaching, being with students, feeling useful."
"Things like this are great, it gives you, you know, a reason to go out and go and do stuff and meet people, so that's nice."
This film was recorded at the London Region's u3a week Table Tennis tournament. The event connected together u3a members from all across London to have fun and learn together. This was just one of many events held by regions, networks and u3as during u3a week to celebrate the joy and learning of the u3a movement.
The film is the latest in the u3a Learn Something Brilliant Today series which spotlights members from across the u3a movement and the subjects they learn within their interest groups. Other groups highlighted so far include Hayling Island u3a's Sea Shanty group and Swansea u3a's Welsh Language group.
Watch Stuart's film, and the Learn Something Brilliant Today series so far, on the u3a YouTube channel.
There are over 1,000 u3as across the UK where members connect together to learn new things, share their existing interests with others and have fun in an informal environment. Learn something brilliant today - Join a u3a.