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Sam Mauger Speaks at Agile Ageing Conference

Published : 10 February 2022 Views: 2218
Sam Mauger spoke about the u3a model at a recent event hosted by the Agile Ageing Alliance.
The event was to launch the report, "Cultivating Neighbourhoods that Care: A Manifesto for Change" and was attended by key figures in the ageing sector. Sam Mauger, CEO of the Third Age Trust, spoke at the event and had also contributed to the report.
Sam says in the report, "We want to create strong multigenerational neighbourhoods that challenge the assumptions about ageing which are prevalent in our society. Often the assumptions are not matched by actual experience – the u3a model is the living experience of this."
The report urges the housing sector to deliver more inventive and inclusive places, and by doing so, help combat the growing epidemic of loneliness.
It is the first stage of an ongoing collaboration between u3a and the Agile Ageing Alliance and other organisations to develop a standard (over the next few years) to promote the development of age-friendly housing in ‘smart’ socially supportive multigenerational neighbourhoods.
Find out more and access an electronic copy of the report on the Agile Ageing Alliance website. Sam's contribution can be found on pp 24-27.
Read more about u3a's ongoing anti-ageism work on our Social Impact page.

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