Learning for Everyone
Make the most of being part of u3a by getting involved with the many free initiatives and events offered across u3a.
Expand your learning as an individual or get support to develop local interest groups.
To take advantage of everything u3a offers you'll need to join as a member with a group near you or you can join Interest Groups Online (IGO). It's cheap and easy to join; you can find out more on our join us page.

Get Involved with Learning
u3a offers members learning opportunities both locally and nationally, in person and online. From online events, creative writing competitions and photography challenges to networking opportunities and visits to other u3as, there is more on offer than you might realise.
You can get involved in national learning individually or with your u3a interest group. The choice is endless and reflects local interests. Get in touch if you have an idea you want to explore further; we are always looking for new presenters and members to help with projects.
If you would like to get involved in any way, please contact
Why not download the Learning Leaflet to share with members of your u3a?

Subject Advice

Online Learning Events

Subject Networks
A chance to collaborate; sharing resources and ideas around a particular interest. Join or launch a network to meet like-minded members and to learn from each other. Join for your own interests or to take ideas back to your interest group.

Learning Activities
Take part in a competition, challenge or project - your chance to be inspired by and collaborate with other members.

Radio Podcast
Tune in to all the latest news and activity from across u3a and its many talented members. Brought to you by our u3a radio broadcast team.