
Interest Groups Online

Interest Groups Online (abbreviated as IGO) is an online u3a community that gives you the opportunity to join groups, talks and courses from the comfort of your home.

In the same way as a u3a, the activities are run by members and are a great way to meet people from all across the u3a movement.

Use the navigation buttons below to quickly find the content you're looking for on the page.

Existing Members Login

If you are already an Interest Groups Online member, log into the Beacon Members' Portal to browse groups, join groups and update your personal details. 

How to Join

It costs £12 to join for the year, equating to £1 per month. Membership runs from 1 April to 31 March of the next year. After 1 October, it costs £6 to join until 31 March next year. Membership and your groups are managed via the u3a Beacon Members Portal.

To become a member of Interest Groups Online you will need to fill out a short form and make your payment on the u3a Beacon Members Portal.  As part of your subscription to Interest Groups Online, you can opt in to receive a free copy of the u3a magazine, u3amatters

Please note, this membership is for Interest Groups Online only, it does not include membership to local u3as.

Browse the Groups

Once you have subscribed to Interest Groups Online, you can choose which groups to join. Take a look at our groups page for details on the wide variety of online groups, courses and talks.

IGO Help and Information

If you have any questions about IGO, they are likely to be answered in the Help and Information pages. There are two separate sections for group leaders and for members. 

There's lots going on, with new groups starting up all the time. Use the button below to view our noticeboard page, with details on what's happening with Interest Groups Online, and our latest news stories.

To contact members of the Interest Groups Online team, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. One of us will get back to you as soon as possible.

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