
IGO Help and Information

Interest Groups Online (IGO) is an online community of learners. Those who subscribe to IGO can participate in our online interest groups and also access the u3a national learning programme, which is free to all u3a & IGO members.

IGO is a service provided by the Third Age Trust and IGO members are covered by the Trust’s public liability insurance.

Anyone can join IGO if they meet u3a’s relevant guiding principles:

  • The Third-Age Principle - u3a is open to all in their third age, which is defined not by a particular age but by a period in life in which full time employment has ceased.
  • The Learning Principle - u3a learning is informal, it is for the sake of enjoyment and self-fulfilment, not for the advancement of a career or in pursuit of qualifications. There is no distinction between the learners and the teachers and a collaborative learning approach is encouraged.

Below is information for IGO members and group leaders - use the navigation buttons to quickly find the content you need.

Please get in touch with us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions or comments.

Help for IGO Members

How to Join IGO

The process of joining IGO explained in some detail.

Guidance for IGO Group Members

Guidance and the Code of Conduct for all Interest Groups Online members

Help with Beacon Members Portal

A 'how-to guide' for using Beacon Members Portal

Help with membership renewal

A 'how-to guide' how to renew your annual IGO membership.

IGO Copyright and GDPR

Information about copyright and data protection

Help for IGO Group Leaders

Guidance for IGO Group Leaders

Guidance document detailing how IGO groups operate

Beacon for Group Leaders

A 'how-to guide' for using Beacon to manage an IGO group

Group Leaders Bulletins

Montly bulletins for Group Leaders on relevant latest news. 

IGO Group Description Form

Form for new group requests or updating an existing group 

IGO Zoom Accounts

Help for Group Leaders on (1) how to book a Zoom slot slot and (2) what to do at the end of a Zoom meeting.

Frequently Asked Questions


Can my IGO group get together in person?

IGO is an entirely online community which is designed to be accessible for everyone. Meeting in person often excludes some members from the group since they are not able to travel to the meeting. If your group wishes to come together in person then group members need to understand that these meetings are a private arrangement, not a u3a activity.

Can I open up my IGO group to members of my local u3a, or vice versa?

No, anyone attending an IGO group has to be a current member of IGO. Exceptions are made for carers who are present to assist with technology or to enable access to IGO meetings.

What to do in case of an emergency during an online group meeting?

If you have concerns about a member during an online meeting, it is recommended that you interrupt the meeting to check if the person is okay and if help is required. Where emergency contact details have been given, the group leader will be able to access these on Beacon. However, it is important to note that a member doesn't need to give emergency contact details when joining IGO – it is their preference. The Third Age Trust highly recommends that all members note emergency contact details on Beacon and ensure these are kept up to date – these will only ever be visible to the group leaders of the groups you belong to and to the IGO administration team.

Why does IGO use PayPal to take IGO membership payments?
  • It is the most efficient way for us to track membership and renewals.
  • PayPal is a secure way of taking payments, enabling safe transations.
  • PayPal uses end-to-end encryption to prevent hacking.
  • It ensures Third Age Trust or IGO team does not have visibility of your bank details. 
  • You do not need a PayPal account to pay for your IGO membership. You can checkout as a guest by using your credit/debit.
Can non-UK residents join?

Yes, non-UK residents are very welcome to join IGO. Please also be aware that members of each group will determine the time the group meets which will usually be convenient for those in the UK. If you have any issues joining as a non-UK resident, please contact us for help.

As an IGO member, can I take part in u3a’s wider online learning provision?

Yes, u3a’s online learning resources and opportunities are open to all members – whether you belong to a local u3a or subscribe to Interest Groups Online only. This includes online learning events and competitions.


What is Beacon?

Beacon is a software package that is used by IGO to maintain the database of (1) members and (2) groups in a GDPR-compliant way. 

Every IGO member has their own account on Beacon. You can use Beacon to join any group that you are interested in and to update your personal details. For more information see Beacon for IGO Members.

Group Leaders have access to their group only. This ensures groups can be managed in a GDPR-compliant way. For more information see Beacon for Group Leaders.

The Beacon Help Centre can provide more help, if you need it. 

I am an IGO member. Do I have to use Beacon?

As IGO is an online community, the groups are managed online and in order to keep you safe online, we need to use Beacon. If you have problems accessing Beacon please send the IGO team an e-mail on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will look into it. 

How is my data used?

IGO is committed to protecting and using your data in accordance with GDPR legislation and u3a's privacy policy. When you become a member of IGO you give your permission for your personal information to be used in accordance with these terms. If you have any questions or concerns about this, or about breaches of IGO group guidelines more generally, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

If you have any questions, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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