IGO groups are run by members for members. The people who run groups are volunteers who freely give their time, skills, knowledge and enthusiasm for the benefit of other IGO members and should be supported and encouraged by members, IGO Trust Volunteers and Third Age Trust staff.
IGO encourages self-help learning and members help to decide their own learning direction which is not directed towards qualifications.
A very wide range of subjects is available to members, including games, languages, physical activities, conversation and crafts.
Some groups are intended to be forums for discussion about a wide range of issues including political and religious topics. However, members should refrain from promoting particular religions or political beliefs and should always be prepared to listen to the opinions of others.
IGO groups are open to all members from any background. IGO groups are offered at many different ability levels and Members are advised to try out groups to find out if they will be suitable for them.
Most of our groups meet on Zoom. A few groups use other platforms – WhatsApp, Facebook, email.
Beacon is a software package which is used to manage IGO. It is used by members and Group Leaders to manage groups in line with GDPR. Detailed help about how members use it can be found at the Beacon Members Portal.
When you become a member of a group, the Group Leader will let you know how to join the groups’ activities.