The Interest Groups Online (IGO) Fair is an opportunity to try out u3a's online learning community for free!
Anyone who is no longer in full-time work can come along to get a taste of the many opportunities IGO offers.
We hope that the fair will encourage you to join IGO, whether you are looking to learn something new from a vibrant and friendly online group or want to share your skills with others.
The fair will take place from Monday 2 to Friday 6 October 2023.
You do not have to be a u3a member to enjoy the IGO Fair.
There will be sessions taking place at 10am, 11.30am and 3pm every day, each lasting around 1 hour.
The week will include tasters across subject areas such as:
- Laughter Yoga
- Railways
- Creative Writing
- Exploring Classical Music
- Learning Recorder
- Quizzes
- British Cemeteries
- Early Women Doctors
IGO is an online community of learners, who meet mostly via Zoom. From October, membership is just £6 for 6 months and you will have access to over 75 different groups across a wide range of topics, visit the interest groups online groups page to browse all groups.
You can join IGO as a complementary service to your local in-person u3a membership or as a standalone membership.
To find out what taster sessions are on offer and to book your places visit the IGO webpages.