Photo Credit Center:JPL Secondary Creator Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
The Interest Groups Online Astronomy group covers a wide variety of astronomy topics, from its history to recent discoveries and future explorations. Provision includes compelling visualizations and information to nurture members’ curiosity, awe and wonder of the universe. Our hope is that members continue to explore and discover information for themselves outside of the group.
This is an inclusive remote learning group. No prior knowledge is required, just an interest in Astronomy.
Members work together remotely, in pairs or in groups and: Selecting what and how they want to learn if they wish, to disseminate their learning to other members e.g. by reading and learning from a wide range of participative activities quizzes, wordsearches, problem solving, classifying, starters, plenary games, PPTs then share their learning with others to learn, reinterpret or create their own resources from the examples to deliver a talk, workshops and/or presentations to groups.
Members need Microsoft Word and/or Powerpoint or equivalent, a printer if attempting a hard copy of a quiz etc. or a handout. The group’s online navigation is intuitive.
Open to all members, with no number restriction. When using Zoom, the Group Leader and at least 1 other member. Zoom can be recorded and posted online. The group is ongoing. Members can dip in and out of whatever activity for as long as they want to do it.
Communication is by email, Zoom, phone, and Newsletters. Online resources are accessible every day.
Fourth Wednesday of the month at 11.30 am to 12.45 pm.
Group Size & Availability
Open to all members, with no number restriction. The group is ongoing and members can dip in and out of whatever activity for as long as they want to do it.
When using Zoom, the Group Leader and at least 1 other member. Zoom can be recorded and posted online.
Communication is by email, Zoom, phone, and Newsletters.
How to join
You can join this group, or the waiting list, via the Beacon Members Portal. To join a group you must first subscribe to Interest Groups Online. This is separate to a local u3a membership.
If you would be interested in helping to lead a group around this subject or any other, please contact
Interest Group Online members can contact the group leader via the Beacon Members Portal. Non-members should contact the Interest Groups Online team by email: