Presentation Skills
The group hopes to attract members who would like to practice making short presentations. The presentations could be:
- talking about their subject for a few minutes or
- posting ideas on a padlet to begin a discussion or
- showing some bullet points and pictures to share using google slides or PowerPoint.
'The idea would be to practice methods you would be happy to try out and receive constructive criticism - to help increase your confidence levels'
The Interest Groups Online run using Zoom (usually) which for most people makes it easier to step up and make a contribution – for example, you can practice using avatars, asking members to vote in a poll, making comments using the chat facility and share pictures and backgrounds to augment your presentation. During the initial sessions, you will practice making a plan for what you want to cover then have a go at presenting a 1, a 3 then a 5-minute presentation. After these initial sessions, the group members will discuss different subjects and presentations to practice in later sessions.
Why not have a go – you’ll be amazed at the boost it will give to your confidence – start-up link is required.
Read more in the August 2023 News Extra
Author: Blossom Ozurumba, Source: Wikipedia Common
3rd Tuesday 10:30 am
Group Size & Availability
Minimum 5, maximum 10
How to join
You can join this group, or the waiting list, via the Beacon Members Portal. To join a group you must first subscribe to Interest Groups Online. This is separate to a local u3a membership.
If you would be interested in helping to lead a group around this subject or any other, please contact
Interest Group Online members can contact the group leader via the Beacon Members Portal. Non-members should contact the Interest Groups Online team by email: