
Aileen's Game

Have a go at Aileen's game!

East Suffolk u3a member Ian Clarke has created a game. Ian has called the game ‘Aileen’s Game’ in memory of his Mum.

Ian has shared the game with us, so we can share it with you. We would love you to have a go and let us know how you get on. 

Our Aileen's Game leaderboard for May is now published so please do have a look to see our top players!

Instructions and Scoring

The Game

The challenge is to score as many points as possible by making words in a 5 x 5 grid.
You choose thirteen of the twenty five letters.
The game will give you twelve random letters.
Letters are played alternately… your choice, then a random letter, then your choice, then a random letter etc.
This continues until all squares are filled.
A new set of random letters is generated every day at midnight.

Screenshot of a completed game, with the score and statistics shown

Share your score by email

We are building a u3a leaderboard to showcase the best scores across the membership. Here's how to submit your score for the leaderboard:

When you have completed the game you will be presented with your score and statistics,

Select 'Share'

Then select the option for your email, for example, Gmail, as seen in the image to the right.

Send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

When sending the email, be sure to add your name and your u3a to email subject

An image taken from a phone screen, showing the various app options on which to share the game's score

How to Play

When you go to the Aileen’s Game website you will see a 6x6 grid on screen with letters underneath the grid.

You go first!

Click/tap on one of the green Alphabet Buttons to select a letter. The button will turn blue to show that you have selected it. If you change your mind you may click on another Alphabet Button.

Click/tap on the square you would like to put the letter in. Your chosen letter will appear in the square and all the Alphabet Buttons will change to red.

The Random Letter Button (the button with a ‘?’) is now green to indicate that you should select the random letter next.

Click/tap on the Random Letter Button. The button will turn blue to show that you have selected it and will show you the first random letter.

Click/tap on the square you would like to put the random letter in. The random letter will appear in the square and the random letter button will revert to red and the Alphabet Buttons will turn green.

It is now your turn to choose a letter. Keep playing until the grid is full.

Once you have placed the last letter into the grid your game will automatically be scored and a green ‘Share’ button will appear below the Alphabet Buttons.

By clicking/tapping on the ‘Share’ button, you can see your stats and can compare your score against everyone else who has played the same game.

You will also see three words, of three, four and five letters, that aren’t frequently used. These words change each day at midnight UK time and may be helpful next time you play!

If you would like to play again, refresh your browser and the grid will clear ready for another game.

Overall Game Stats

When you click/tap the ‘bar chart’ icon you will see a screen that tells you how many times the game has been played, the overall average score and the highest ever score since the given date. When you click/tap the ‘Show Score Distribution’ button you can see the distribution of all the scores by emoji group.

This screen tells you how many times the game has been played, the overall average score and the highest ever score since the given date. When you click/tap the ‘Show Score Distribution’ button you can see the distribution of all the scores by emoji group.

Other ways to share your score

After you have clicked/tapped the ‘Share’ button that appears when the game is scored you will see the main ‘Share’ button which enables you to share your score with friends and family.

Clicking/tapping this ‘Share’ button accesses your device’s sharing facility so you can share your score.

When you share your score via WhatsApp, for example, you will see ...


The emoji that appears in the bottom right hand corner of the grid relates to your score ...


If you wish to submit your score for the leader board but are unable to send via email, please send a screenshot however you are able to.

Let us know what you think of Ian's game. Please give us some feedback on Aileen's Game by completing our short form.

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