We are proud to present the finalists for the u3a short story competition 2023. These top 13 entries were chosen from over 400 entries.
We are delighted to announce the overall winner as Laurene Henderson from Swaffham & District u3a in the East of England with her story 'See Emily Play'. Joint second place goes to Lynne Patrick of Witney u3a with 'Moving On', and Jane Guinery of Malvern u3a with 'Colours in the Fog'.
All 13 of our finalists receive a copy of the Writers’ and Artists’ Yearbook, edited by Alysoun Owen and published by Bloomsbury.
Read the top three stories:
Read the stories from the other finalists, in no particular order:
Thank you so much to all 39 judges who undertook the mammoth task of judging so many entries this year. The competition could not run without you!
Thank you also to the final four judges who judged the shortlist, Marcia Humphries, Chris Winner, Hilary Jones and Alysoun Owen.
And finally thank you to all entrants to the u3a national short story competition 2023. We hope you enter again next time.