
Subject Advice

Geology - Earth Science

Martin Eales was educated at Emmanuel College Cambridge then researched for a doctorate and lectured at Glasgow University. He has been a geologist for 50 years including working for the largest oil companies in the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Italy, and also lived in North Africa and the Middle East. In that time, he has studied the geology of most countries in the world. He is married with 3 children and 1 dog.

Kevin Huff from Dorchester u3a set up a website with plenty of advice for Geology group convenors/coordinators. Click the link below to find out more and network with other Geology group leaders:

Join the Geology network

Sharing Geology online -Document

Sharing Geology online   

  • Ideas for online sharing activities - geology and similar fun
  • Rock Around the Alphabet
  • Alphabet Snoop
  • Crystal World at Home 
  • Rock around the Home 

and plenty more... 

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