Military History
Thank you for visiting the Military History Subject Adviser’s Page.
I have been building up a National Register of u3a Groups which are actively addressing the topic of Military History. The information kept in the register is essentially intended to facilitate interaction between groups and includes contact information for group leaders and topics recently covered.
Over forty groups are currently included in the register but I am sure there are more than that amongst the many hundreds of u3as across the country. If you are currently leading a group or thinking about setting one up please use the facilities on this page to contact me and I will send you the register. Hopefully it might contain details of a group not too far from you that might be able to share speakers or presentation material.
I publish a monthly bulletin providing news relevant to Group Leaders/Conveners of Military History Groups. These include upcoming Zoom sessions provided by u3a members that might be of interest to individual members or groups. Please let me know if you are aware of items including recordings of such u3a sessions that I might include.
Finally I should note that a number of the existing groups undertake trips to militarily interesting venues including museums in the UK and battlefields abroad. Often they are looking for extra people who might fill up their quota in a coach or a hotel. Thus even if you are not already in a group or in a position to form one, it is still worth registering your interest with me as it might be possible to offer you the opportunity of a place or places on a tour passing near to you.
Please do get in touch if you have an interest in Military History.
Mike Fox