
Subject Advice

Mindfulness and Meditation

 Contact the Advisers


Jon Kabat Zinn - sometimes referred to as the Godfather of modern mindfulness defines mindfulness as: “The awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and non judgmentally to the unfolding of experience moment by moment.”

We have now run our introductory series on Meditation and Mindfulness Series over Zoom, and more than 500 people have participated. The next run will commence on Wednesday 18 October at 10am BOOK HERE.

Once again there will be six sessions led by ourselves and our colleague Ruth. You can register for these sessions through the u3a National website at

Please take a look at our website created especially for the Meditation and Mindfulness Series, at

Your Subject Advisors are:

Dr John Darwin and Mike Pupius  

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Telephone: 07710 439294


We are very interested in making contact with u3a members who are guiding mindfulness sessions around the country, and we want to provide the resources that you will find helpful.  Please email us with any questions, and we will do our best to answer them. 

More About us

John began a daily meditation practice more than 30 years ago. He has a Postgraduate Certificate in Mindfulness-Based Approaches, and a Master of Science [with distinction] in Mindfulness Studies. He is co-founder of the Centre for Mindful Life Enhancement and has been running courses in Mindfulness-Based Life Enhancement [MBLE] and Mindful Ageing since 2010, and to date the Centre has introduced mindfulness and meditation to more than 1000 people. For the past eight years John has been a Teaching Fellow at the University of Aberdeen on its M.Sc. in Mindfulness Studies.

Mike also studied for an MSc (awarded with distinction) at the University of Aberdeen joining John to co-found the Centre. He has been teaching mindfulness courses for individuals and organisations since 2013. He is a volunteer park ranger in the Peak District National Park and has been leading mindfulness walks for the last six years, introducing participants to the benefits of mindful walking and connecting with nature. He is supporting a Peak District project relating to Green Social Prescribing.

Our colleague Nancy has put together 2 documents to help you:

u3a Mindfulness Resources Handout November 2021

u3a Practicalities of Setting up a Mindfulness group



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