Walking Rugby
Welcome to the home page of Walking Rugby within the u3a. My name is Graham Truluck and I am the group leader for Walking Rugby for Stanway u3a in Colchester.
At Stanway walking Rugby u3a We have been up and running (or should that be walking?) for just over 5 seasons now and we have a register of 25 or so players. We have a good mix of backgrounds, a few gnarled old players, most members have never played before, and encouragingly, reflecting the splendid example of rugby’s Red Roses, a good contingent of enthusiastic ladies.
We play using the basis of the Warner Walking Rugby rules, however, through experience we have adapted the rules to make the experience as similar to that of touch rugby as we can.
This means a premium on handling skills, movement and passing and the avoidance of anything but the “touch” tackle to promote a safe playing experience.
The sessions are greatly helped by the availability of an experienced referee to ensure benefit from all the exuberance without losing sight of the rules.
The rules are kept to a minimum, this helps with assimilating non-players who experience shows us quickly adapt and learn the basics and can fully participate very quickly. You can find out more by having a reading of my blog Stanway u3a Walking Rugby: A Match for Everyone
Walking rugby offers great camaraderie with plenty of friendly banter and an opportunity for regular social gatherings.
If you are thinking of setting up a group I will do what I can to help and advise in getting started and giving walking rugby a go!
I can point you in the direction of online resources and advise on adaptions we have made to rules to limit injuries etc.
"Forget preconceptions of tackling, scrums and lineouts. Think fresh air, good physical exercise and plenty of fun added in"
We welcome all enquiries and encourage new people to join Walking Rugby. We look forward to hearing from you.
Graham Truluck