Continuing our series which shares great ideas and the latest ideas and suggestions to help you keep active, keep connected and keep learning.
Live Transmissions
The Royal Opera House has live transmissions at 7pm on Fridays on You Tube. You can also find more online opera on our resources library by searching for opera as a subject.
Sing along
Sing along with Gareth Malone's home choir at 5pm every day Monday to Friday hosted by Decca on You Tube.
Audio Book
Take advantage of the free audio books available via Audible.
Picture of the Month
Vote for the Picture of the Month with the National Gallery. A chance to pause, reflect and appreciate the detail of one great painting.
Online Cinema
The various cinema chains and independents are offering a variety of free on-line showings so it's worth looking at their individual websites to see what's on offer.
If you’re interested in genealogy and family history research, you’ll be pleased to know that millions of digitised records held by the National Archives will be made freely available while Britain remains under lockdown . These will include wills, military and immigration records.
Wanstead & Woodford U3A has been including some light hearted, informative, and brain taxing activities in their weekly newsletter with the inclusion of several quizzes and they have generously circulated them to many of the London Region U3As. There have been 5 issues to date and we have included an edited montage of these here (with the answers to the quizzes separately).
Barnet U3A Art Appreciation Group 2 is having zoom meetings at the normal time but every week as to fulfil the need for human contact and thought provoking chat. They are looking at exhibitions online and watching art programmes on the television and choosing a topic to discuss. Check out their website for more great ideas.
There are several sites online bridge sites for members to play or practice online. They provide a link for a chat on bridge related matters and some have video links. An example of one of these is
Quiz lovers will be pleased to know that holding a quiz using Zoom is easy. You can set up what they call "breakout rooms" and the meeting organiser/quiz master can assign each team its own breakout room. The teams may then talk among themselves and the others will not be able to see or hear them. The quiz master can send messages/questions to everybody. At the end remove the rooms and all come together again for answers and marking.