
Learning News

Ideas to Keep Learning - 3

Published : 26 March 2020 Views: 5205

Thank you for all your ideas on how to keep learning, active and connected in these extraordinary times.  Here are some more fantastic ideas.


National learning events

Following the suspension of the National Events Programme due to government advice on social distancing, the key speaker for Behind the Scenes of Dame Mary Quant - Heather Tilbury Phillips, Bury St Edmunds U3A and former Director of Mary Quant’s Company, has kindly agreed to give an exclusive interview with U3A about the fashion icon’s enduring legacy.

Join your local library online

Many local Councils offer online access to their library catalogues so that you can continue learning while you’re social distancing. You can download e-books or audio books as well as listen to author interviews and also join in online chats with other readers to review books. 

Buddying with non-digital groups

Some groups are more advanced than others with using online resources. Buddying up with a U3A to help them get online is a really useful thing to do and you don’t have to meet in person. Tips and tricks can be shared on our Facebook group U3A: Keeping In Touch or contact National Office for advice on getting online. 

Virtual cook around

Use online apps such as what’s app to share home-cooking recipes with other members then cook together using videoconferencing tools such as Zoom or WhyPay to experience the joys of cooking together. Why not eat your food in company by streaming a virtual dinner party and even scoring each other’s dishes – a U3A ‘Come Dine with Me’?

Virtual choir

Singing can lift your spirits and it’s easy to sing together using video calls. The other members of your group will really enjoy watching and hearing you sing from the comfort of your living room. 

Online ukulele group

Join in a duet or give a performance to the others in your ukelele group. 

Pet photos

Pets can be a source of real comfort during this time and sharing pictures with your U3A group can be interesting for those who are animal lovers and those who don’t have pets will also get some pleasure in seeing your furry friends!

Online learning

Newcastle U3A online learning
Newcastle has set up their dedicated online learning page to support the continued learning of their members. Areas included are astronomy online learning, ‘talking about art’ and dowsing. Members can submit their activities to the website page. Check the page for ideas for your groups. 


This free app enables you to make beautiful boards, documents, and webpages that are easy to read and fun to contribute to. Use padlet to share thoughts and ideas in your group, maybe on holidays from the past or ideas for groups meetings when they resume again. 

The movement is keeping up to date and in touch with each other by signing up to the national newsletter - so if you can use email please sign up and join us in the conversation.

We love collating your ideas and experiences – so please keep sending them in to us and keep checking the website.

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