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puzzles is required

Maths and Stats

in the first few minutes can be a useful warm up exercise. It is useful to involve members in various ways in suggesting puzzles, offering different ways in which they have solved problems, and in providing ideas for topics. Material covered may be, for...

Logic Puzzles January 2025.pdf

Puzzles for Fun, contributed by Gordon Burgin, Norwich u3a member – Maths Group. Solutions will be posted in February . Please email if you would like to share your solutions or comments. JANUARY ’2 5 LOGIC Puzzles In EQUATE +...

Logic Puzzles April 2024.pdf

Puzzles for Fun, contributed by Gordon Burgin, Norwich u3a member – Maths Group. Solutions will be posted in May 2024. Please email if you would like to share your solutions. April ’2 4 Logic Puzzles 1. A magic rectangular...

Logic Puzzles May 2024.pdf

Puzzles for Fun, contributed by Gordon Burgin, Norwich u3a member – Maths Group. Solutions will be posted in June 2024. Please email if you would like to share your solutions. M AY ’2 4 Monthly LOGIC Puzzles 1. Four men are...

Logic Puzzles June 2024.pdf

Puzzles for Fun, contributed by Gordon Burgin, Norwich u3a member – Maths Group. Solutions will be posted in July 2024. Please email if you would like to share your solutions. JUNE ’24 L ogic Puzzles 1. A magic rectangular...

Logic Puzzles August 2024.pdf

Puzzles for Fun, contributed by Gordon Burgin, Norwich u3a member – Maths Group. Solutions will be posted in Septembe r 2024. Please email if you would like to share your solutions. August ‘2 4 LOGIC Puzzles 1. In this numeric...

Logic Puzzles August 2024.pdf

Puzzles for Fun, contributed by Gordon Burgin, Norwich u3a member – Maths Group. Solutions will be posted in Septembe r 2024. Please email if you would like to share your solutions. August ‘2 4 LOGIC Puzzles 1. In this numeric...

Logic Puzzles October 2024.pdf

Puzzles for Fun, contributed by Gordon Burgin, Norwich u3a member – Maths Group. Solutions will be posted in November 2024. Please email if you would like to share your solutions or comments . OCTOBER ’2 4 LOGIC Puzzles In the...

Logic Puzzles November 2024.pdf

Puzzles for Fun, contributed by Gordon Burgin, Norwich u3a member – Maths Group. Solutions will be posted in December 2024. Please email if you would like to share your solutions or comments. N OVEMBER ’2 4 LOGIC Puzzles : 1....

Logic Puzzles Jan 24

Puzzles for Fun, contributed by Gordon Burgin , Norwich u3a member – Maths Group . Solutions will be posted in January 2024 . Please email if you would like to share your solutions January ’2 4 Monthly LOGIC Challenges 1....

Logic Puzzles March 2024 v1.pdf

Puzzles for Fun, contributed by Gordon Burgin , Norwich u3a member – Maths Group . Solutions will be posted in April 2024 . Please email if you would like to share your solutions March ’24 Monthly LOGIC Challenges 1. In the...

Logic Puzzles July 2024.pdf

Puzzles for Fun, contributed by Gordon Burgin, Norwich u3a member – Maths Group. Solutions will be posted in August 2024. Please email if you would like to share your solutions. JULY ’24 Monthly LOGIC Puzzle s

Logic Puzzles September 2024.pdf

Puzzles for Fun, contributed by Gordon Burgin, Norwich u3a member – Maths Group. Solutions will be posted in October 2024. Please email if you would like to share your solutions. September ’2 4 LOGIC Puzz les 1. The diagram...

Logic Puzzles December 2024.pdf

Puzzles for Fun, contributed by Gordon Burgin, Norwich u3a member – Maths Group. Solutions will be posted in January 2024. Please email if you would like to share your solutions. DECEMBER ’2 4 LOGIC Puzzle : Einstein’s Famous...

Spring Learning Programme

Puzzles to papercraft: members lead new learning initiatives u3a members share their skills in the new Spring Learning Programme with many opportunities to learn something new

Logic Puzzles March 2022

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Logic Puzzles April 2022

sh: /home/u3aorg/public_html/plugins/edocman/indexer/binaries/linux/pdftotext: Permission denied
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