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A look at the events planned for u3a week 2024

Published : 18 September 2024 Views: 1733

u3as around the country share their plans to celebrate u3a week, which starts Saturday 21 September.

banner on a tree with the words learn, laugh, live written on it

u3a week, a yearly celebration of the learning, fun and laughter of the u3a movement, starts this Saturday 21 September. u3as up and down the country are planning events, talks, lunches and day trips to mark the occasion. Here’s a taster of some of the events u3as will be getting up to.

Havant u3a will host a full week of talks, taster sessions and walks which they are encouraging the public to attend. Chair Elizabeth says, "We’re excited to welcome both current members and newcomers to our week of celebration. It’s a wonderful opportunity for people to discover new passions and connect with like-minded individuals."

Also taking the opportunity to attract new members are Ravenshead u3a, who have invited all 6000 village residents to their annual event at Ravenshead Village Hall. Throughout the day, 42 interest groups will promote their activities and the Mölkky (Finnish Skittles) group will demonstrate a game outside on the village hall lawn. Similarly, Harborough Welland u3a will also encourage the public to come and meet their u3a creative groups as part of a wider community event, Creative Harborough.

On a more musical note, Cheltenham u3a are holding an evening of music for members and the public. Chelmsford u3a are hosting a free concert by Song Cycle, an all singing, all cycling male voice quartet, who cover everything from Bach to the Beatles.

Weston-super-Mare will celebrate their 30th anniversary in style this u3a week with a sandwich tea at the ballroom of the Royal Hotel. Alongside 200 members, the local MP, town mayor and leader of the North Somerset Council will be attending.

Members can also attend three online events this u3a week:

  • The Development of Barnsdale Gardens
  • Upgrade Your Brain: Dementia-proof your diet and lifestyle
  • The Secret Lives of Garden Bees.

As well as u3a members, these are open to the public, so if you are not a member and are curious, or if you have a friend who you think may enjoy the events, please invite them along. Find out more on the u3a week page.

If you do get involved with any u3a week events, please let us know what your local u3a gets up to and please send us photos of the festivities at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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