We are pleased to announce that Allan Walmsley has been elected as the new Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Third Age Trust.

A founding member of Kings Norton and District u3a, Allan has served on the Board since 2020, first as Trustee for the West Midlands and more recently as Vice Chair.
In his supporting statement for the role of Chair Allan referenced the benefits of joining the u3a movement “u3a gave me an opportunity to make friends, get back into my local community, and discover almost unlimited opportunities to learn. It is a movement that could add so much to so many.”
He continued, u3as and individual members can impact the lives of others. It can show that the movement is stronger than the sum of its individual parts”
Commenting on his appointment, Allan said “I'm delighted to become Chair-Elect. It will be an honour to lead one of the UK's leading member organisations, and a movement that already influences the lives of so many people. I hope to lead on continued growth and creating an ever-widening range of learning and social opportunities for our members.”
Outgoing Chair, Liz Thackray welcomes Allan to the role and says “When I was elected Chair 3 years ago, one of my predecessors told me I had the best job in the world. When visiting u3as, hearing their stories and sharing these with others, I would agree this is a great job to have. I wish my successor well as he takes his place at the helm and wish him calm waters. Welcome Allan to the best job in the world!”
Allan will start his new role for the Trust on Wednesday 16 October 2024 after the AGM.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the candidates who chose to stand and all u3as for taking part in the election process.